BHAKTI ALAM Bhakti Alam is an agro-tourism located in the Nongkojajar area. To be precise, it is in Ngembal Village, Tutur District, Pasuruan Regency. The location is at an altitude of 450-650 masl, so the air is quite cool. This destination is quite extensive consisting of flower stalls, flower gardens, camping ground, cottages and barracks (lodging), pavilion, cattle farm, milk factory, Javanese pawon, fishing area, green house, cheese village, field, outbound, cute water park to 3D painting spots for taking photos. All of that can be surrounded by tourist train. They are even allowed to taste the produce at several train stops. For those who like shopping as well as culinary delights, you can also buy snacks Nama : Billy Syafri Mulahela Class : X MIPA 1